language tests

How to evaluate employees using language audits

Do you use foreign languages tests during recruitment? Do you assess foreign language skills during the recruitment interview instead? Is it really worth investing in recruitment audits for your current employees? Definitely! Periodic evaluations of employees, language training, creating an international team, bonuses for foreign language skills, working with foreign partners – these are just…

focus audit

How do you prepare for a language audit?

Has an invitation to a language audit appeared among your emails and you are wondering if and how to prepare, how best to present your language skills and what the audit itself will look like? Below, you will find the answers to these questions and some tips to make tackling the audit less stressful! Technical…

Language audits for companies

Recruitment audit – what should you pay attention to?

Language audit, recruitment audit – these are just some of the many names used to describe a language test prepared and conducted by specialists, designed to check foreign languages knowledge. Used by an increasing number of companies, especially as their recruitment strategy and internal processes, they provide a quick and reliable assessment. By using the…

pre-employment assessments

Benefits of pre-employment assessments

The use of pre-employment tests is on the rise. In fact, a recent study found that nearly 60% of hiring managers use some sort of pre employment testing as part of their hiring process. But what are these pre employment tests really designed to do? And how can you make sure they’re an effective tool…

Otrzymanie pracy zależy od przebiegu rozmów kwalifikacyjnych.

Job interview

Job interview – these two words can make the inexperienced’s legs quiver and the experienced smile mysteriously. If you’re in the former group, you’re surely wondering what you need to do to perform at your best and get the job you want. We won’t lie, a job interview isn’t easy. But don’t worry too much,…

nowe technologie w finansach publicznych


The first audits were known as ‘interrogation of accounts’ and go as far back as ancient Rome. Officials checked the content of documents created by others to prevent errors and thus loss of money. Auditing in a form resembling the current one has existed since the 19th century. Nowadays, its main task is to improve…

language audit

What does a language audit with Focus look like?

Looking for a new solution to improve your recruitment process? Wondering how to speed up the recruitment process so it takes less time? Do you want to take care of a positive candidate experience? Or maybe you want to improve your employer branding? A language audit is a perfect solution! Language audit – what is…

Generation Z - how to recruit

Gen Z – how to recruit them?

Young, educated, having the world at their feet, caring for ecology and the future of our planet, concerned with social affairs and company culture, wanting to grow and disliking idleness. They are often looking in job posting for permanent employment, having already gained experience and practical skills from doing internships, apprenticeships and side jobs. Once…

talent acquisition

How has the pandemic affected the fight for talent?

COVID-19 has brought a number of changes and opportunities that have accelerated the transformations already underway, including with reference to the digitisation of recruitment and talent management. It has also impacted both the supply and demand for talent, calling for greater flexibility in talent acquisition, management and retention. Employees have viewed the pandemic period as…

language audit

Why invest in a language audit

Why invest in a language audit Today’s world is a global village. To a greater or lesser extent, a successful development of any company depends on the ability to communicate in many languages. The lack of communication between international teams, suppliers and customers may result in conflicts, and have a negative impact on financial results…