Terms of use of the Focus Audit Tool platform

These terms of use of the Focus Audit Tool platform, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”, define the detailed rules of operation of the Internet platform located under the domain https://app.focusaudits.eu, the administrator and owner of which is Skrivanek sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw. Regulations are made available to Users free of charge, in a form that enables their acquisition, reproduction and preservation.

I. General provisions

1. For the purposes of these Regulations, the terms used in it means:
a. Skrivanek – Skrivanek sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, post code: 00-550, at Plac Konstytucji 6/75, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 12th Economic Division of the National Court Register (KRS) under the number 0000024886, NIP taxpayer identification number: 634-22-45-400, initial capital: PLN 150,040.00 PLN.
b. Platform – Focus Audit Tool platform located at https://app.focusaudits.eu, an online platform for entities cooperating with Skrivanek, their employees and Skrivanek employees, enabling the commission, provision and monitoring of auditing services.
c. Electronic service – a paid service consisting in ordering and carrying out audits via Platform.
d. Client – an entity cooperating with Skrivanek on the basis of the Agreement, order form or other binding arrangements.
e. User – a person who has a User Account on Platform.
f. User Account – an account for User, through which User uses Platform.
g. Contact details – name, surname, e-mail and telephone number of User, which are provided for the purpose of registration and contact between User and Skrivanek.
h. Access parameters – login and password of User authorized to use Platform.
i. Content – information and documents made available on Platform on the terms set out in Regulations.

II. Types and scope of services provided electronically

1. Skrivanek offers Users the possibility to use Platform to provide Electronic service and direct access to information related to Electronic service provided by Skrivanek, as well as to approve payment reports for the provided Electronic service.
2. Platform allows Users to view, create, edit and download Content depending on the roles and permissions assigned to them.

III. Terms of providing services by electronic means

1. Platform can be used only by Users. You can only become a User by creating a User Account by Skrivanek.
2. User shall use Platform only for its intended purpose and principles specified in Regulations, any other Agreement between Skrivanek and User and in accordance with the generally applicable laws.
3. Using Platform requires the acceptance of Regulations and respecting its provisions. User accepts Regulations by logging in to Platform. By accepting Regulations, User declares that:
a. had a real and actual opportunity to read the content of Regulations before accepting it;
b. is familiar with it, understood its content and accepts it, and undertakes to comply with it;
c. undertakes to provide all data in accordance with the factual and legal status, and is responsible for all entered data, including personal data, on Platform.
4. User is prohibited from providing illegal content on Platform.
5. Unless otherwise provided for in another agreement, the use of Platform and its functions does not mean that User acquires any rights to the content contained on Platform, in addition to that:
a. Platform and Content are protected by Polish law governing the protection of intellectual property rights, thus should be treated like any other product protected by copyright;
b. User has no right to rent or otherwise distribute the Content made available to him on Platform, in particular, to post it on other websites, publicly play it or display it;
c. User has no right to copy or modify Platform and its Content in any way.
6. Platform works only via the Internet and is available to User without restrictions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Skrivanek reserves the right to temporarily suspend Platform’s availability caused by the need to perform technical work, and at the same time undertakes to keep such a break as short as possible and to inform User about the technical break and its expected duration.
7. Skrivanek shall not be liable for any interruptions in the operation of Platform not caused by its fault, in particular for external difficulties.
8. Access and use of Platform is possible on any type of computer/laptop or mobile device, equipped with a latest available version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser, and through any type of Internet connection.
9. Each User has his/hers/their own User Account on Platform, for which:
a. Access parameters enabling the use of Platform will be provided to User before logging in for the first time;
b. User’s password is not kept anywhere to prevents its disclosure. If the password is forgotten, User is obliged to use the option to set a new password;
c. User agree not to disclose to third parties and to protect and keep secret received Parameters access. All activities performed with the use of the login and password mentioned above are treated as performed by User who received the login and password;
d. in case User lose password or suspect that it has been read or stolen by an unauthorized person, User is obliged to immediately inform about this fact Skrivanek and to establish new password.
10. Skrivanek reserves the right to temporarily or absolutely block User’s access to Platform for the following reasons:
a. gross violation of the provisions of Regulations by User or provisions resulting from the contract concluded between User or Client and Skrivanek;
b. there is a justified suspicion that: Platform is being used by other persons providing the access parameters granted to User, information contained on Platform are being used for the purposes of unfair competition, Platform’s software structures are being copied or recompiled;
c. Client’s notification of the need to block User Account ;
d. the termination of the contract concluded between Skrivanek and Client or User.
11. Unblocking the access may take place only after explaining the reasons for the blocking.

IV. Complaints

1. Skrivanek takes steps to ensure that Platform is fully operational, to the extent that it results from the current technical knowledge, and undertakes to remove any irregularities reported by Users as soon as possible.
2. User is obliged to immediately notify Skrivanek of any irregularities or interruptions in the functioning of Platform.
3. Problems related to the functioning of Platform should be reported by User via e-mail to the following address: contact@focusaudits.eu.
4. User has the right to file complaints regarding the provision of Platform access service within 3 days from becoming aware of the non-compliance of Platform’s actions with Regulations, as well as about technical problems, otherwise they will not be considered.
5. The basis for the complaint is User’s report made in accordance with the point above, informing about problems in using Platform. The complaint should contain the following information: User’s data that enables unambiguous identification, the subject of the complaint and the circumstances justifying the complaint.
6. If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented before considering the complaint, Skrivanek or an entity authorized by it, will ask User submitting the complaint to supplement them in the indicated scope.
7. Complaints should be submitted electronically to the following address: contact@focusaudits.eu.
8. User’s complaint is considered within 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. This period may be extended in justified cases. At the contact address provided by User, User will receive information about considering the complaint, as well as about a possible extension of the deadline for its consideration.

V. Skrivanek’s liability

1. Platform only supports the operation of auditing services provided for the Client.
2. Skrivanek is not responsible for any damage resulting from improper operation of User’s hardware or software.
3. Skrivanek shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the disclosure by User to third parties of data enabling access to Platform and the consequences of actions taken by Users constituting a breach of the provisions of Regulations, unless specific provisions provide otherwise.
4. Skrivanek shall not be liable in any way for the use of Platform by User or other person visiting Platform in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of the law or the provisions of these Regulations.

VI. Privacy policy and cookies

1. Current Privacy policy Skrivanek are located at: https://focusaudits.eu/en/privacy-policy/

VII. Final Provisions

1. If one or more clauses of the Regulations are deemed invalid and/or void and/or inapplicable by application of a law, regulation or following a final decision of the competent court, the other clauses shall remain fully applicable. The fact that Skrivanek does not assert any of the clauses of the Regulations at any time shall not be deemed as a waiver to assert the same clauses in the future.
2. Additional help and information on the operation of Platform may be obtained by User by contacting Skrivanek via e-mail, by writing to the following address: contact@focusaudits.eu.
3. The provisions of Regulations do not exclude the possibility for User and Skrivanek to refer to the mandatory provisions of law.
4. These Regulations are subject to Polish law and any disputes related to the obligations arising therefrom will be settled by the competent courts in Poland.
5. Skrivanek reserves the right to make changes to the functioning of Platform without informing its Users about this fact.

Regulations updated on 08.03.2023.